Have dreams of stepping onto stage . Entering a bikini competition ? Figure or Physique Competition? Whether you're just getting started or need help getting to the next level, this package is for you. We will start with an evaluation that includes body composition, overall physique critique, a questionnaire regarding your diet and fitness history, and a discussion about how we are going to help you reach your goals. Throughout this training process, we'll work closely on monitoring your progress, tweak your plans as needed, teach you proper posing, work with you on head to to stage prep (suits, jewelry, heels, etc.) and get you completely stage ready!
- 4 45-min sessions: in person, Facetime, or posing (used with-in 30 days of plan)
- Personalized 30 day meal plan
- Personalized 30 day workout plan
- Personalized cardio plan
- Personalized abs plan
- Initial Consultations are $50 but can be deducted from the purchase of any training package purchaced durring your consultation (with exception of a single session purchase)
Additional 45min training or posing session: $75
Valid one year from purchase.10day nonrefundable. Non-Transferable