PHASE II Competition Prep Training Package

PHASE II Competition Prep Training Package

Regular price $375.00

After Phase I you may be Ready to go it a little more on your own but still have Holly as your coach? Phase II will still give you all the same tools yet with less one on one.  Throughout this training phase we'll still work closely on monitoring your progress, tweak your plans as needed, and if at any time you want that face time you can always add on training sessions. 


  • 4 scheduled weekly email update check-ins
  •  scheduled Facetime or Call check-ins(used with-in 30 days of plan)
  • Personalized 4 week workout plan 
  • Personalized cardio plan 
  • Personalized 4 week meal plan
  • Personalized abs plan
    Initial Consultations are $50 but can be deducted from the purchase of any training package purchaced durring your consultation (with exception of a single session purchase)sessions are Valid one year from purchase.10day nonrefundable.Non-Transferable
  • Additional 45min training or posing session: $75
  •            Additional 45min Facetime or Call session: $75
  • Personalized abs plan
  • Initial Consultations are $50 but can be deducted from the purchase of any training package purchaced durring your consultation (with exception of a single session purchase)
  • Additional 45min training or posing session: $75
    Valid one year from purchase.10day nonrefundable.Non-Transferable