Want to work with a Beck's Body Culture Trainer, but live too far away? This package is perfect for anyone outside of the Sarasota, FL area who is not preparing for a competition, but wants the direction, accountability, and motivation that comes with working with a top trainer. We work with clients around the globe in a long-distance capacity. We'll work together to review your diet and fitness history, challenges, and goals. We'll create a timeline to accomplish those goals using a completely individualized plan. Your success is our success, no matter where you are!
- 4 scheduled weekly email update check-ins
- scheduled Facetime or Call check-ins(used with-in 30 days of plan)
- Personalized 4 week workout plan
- Personalized cardio plan
- Personalized 4 week meal plan
- Personalized abs plan
Initial Consultations are $50 but can be deducted from the purchase of any training package purchaced durring your consultation (with exception of a single session purchase)sessions are Valid one year from purchase.10day nonrefundable.Non-Transferable
Additional 45min training or posing session: $75
- Additional 45min Facetime/Call session: $75